Tuesday, March 01, 2011

"The nagging feeling is that 'Different Gear' isn’t quite different enough."

"Nevertheless, the other Liam contribution, 'Soldier On', highlights Dig Out Your Soul's biggest problem: the mid-tempo plod that has become Oasis's default rhythmic setting. There's something trudging and weary about it, redolent of gritted teeth and furrowed brows, of labour rather than effortless inspiration."
- Alex Petridis, October 3, 2008

"Here's some very slender songwriting, and Gallagher Jr apes the plonking lyrics that made his brother look more dim than he actually is. At its worst... gurning Lennon vocals, lumbering glitterbeat, lyrical exhortations to 'hold on' – you simply gawp, thinking: never mind anyone else, aren't you bored of this kind of thing now?"
- Alex Petridis, February 24, 2011

Not much has changed in two-and-a-bit years, then.

P.S. Honourable mention also to The Observer's Kitty Empire:

"When main-man Noel Gallagher left the band after one row too many with his younger brother in August 2009, the rump Oasis – Liam Gallagher, Gem Archer, Andy Bell and Chris Sharrock – didn't exactly ditch the band's modus operandi. Oasis-bar-one have a new name that, as Liam has noted, now locates them closer alphabetically to the Beatles than Oasis did." 


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I'm not sure if there's a point to this story but I'm going to tell it again.

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I've been wilfully caught up in the self-defeating quest to get to know myself for years. I've never expected anything beneficial to result from such a quest. I tend to evoke extremely polarised reactions from people I get to know in passing. Consequently, only those people who know me inside-out would honestly claim that I'm a person who's just "alright." It's not a coincidence that the description I've laid out above has no fewer than, title included, eleven references to me (make that twelve). I'm affectionately referred to as "Ego." I think that last statement might have given away a tad too much. Welcome Aboard.

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